Members of Berkeley Air’s technical team traveled to Rwanda for two weeks in May and June of 2019 to complete a formal training in the Kitchen Performance Testing Protocol for roughly twenty District Managers at DelAgua Rwanda, a social benefit company interested in solutions for reducing household air pollution, and providing clean drinking water, among other initiatives. After a resounding…
Berkeley Air was contracted by the government of Peru to conduct a large-scale assessment of the fuel and emissions impacts of Peru’s national stove program, in pursuit of their commitments made to mitigate climate change, under a national plan known as a NAMA (nationally appropriate mitigation action). This assessment included kitchen performance testing, surveys, and literature review of a caliber…
Berkeley Air undertook a comprehensive assessment of fuel use and technology adoption of improved cookstoves and pellet fuels in 200 refugee households in Kigeme Camp, Rwanda. Berkeley Air utilized a cross-sectional mixed methods study design which included survey and instrument-based monitoring for households throughout the camp, including Inyenyeri’s customer base.
Berkeley Air Monitoring Group conducted a rapid baseline assessment to identify barriers to uptake in a country-wide cookstove program in South America. Data collection techniques included qualitative data collection, such as a robust household survey, and quantitative data collection protocols undertaken via the Kitchen Performance Test (KPT).
In this project, Berkeley Air completed an assessment of the post-acquisition services for improved cookstoves (e.g., user maintenance training, replacement parts, and repair services) in four regions of Peru. Methods included the implementation of in-depth household surveys to assess current stove use behavior, maintenance practices, stove durability, access to and use of after-sales services. In-depth surveys were administered to a…
In this project Berkeley Air applied technical field testing methods to explore questions about adoption and fuel efficiency for a group of improved cookstoves in Nepal that were being evaluated as part of the United States Agency for International Development-funded WASHplus project: Assessment of Nepal Consumer Needs, Preferences, and Willingness to Pay for Improved Cookstoves. Berkeley Air initially trained and…
Berkeley Air conducted an assessment of the impacts of household energy programs on fuel consumption in Benin, Uganda, and India. The team utilized rapid, stove-based in-field LPG evaluation techniques using Kitchen Performance Test protocols and technical monitoring of CO emissions.
Berkeley Air and our field team implemented a baseline carbon study for Toyola Energy Limited’s charcoal coalpot stove. The study characterized fuel use patterns across Toyola’s customer base and measured fuel use to compare traditional and improved cooking technologies.
Berkeley Air conducted carbon monitoring for Katene Kadji, a stove manufacturer in Bamako, Mali. Katene Kadji is receiving carbon offsets from the sale of its improved charcoal stoves.
Berkeley Air Monitoring Group and the United States Environmental Protection Agency in association with Winrock International conducted Kitchen Performance Test (KPT) Workshops and field campaigns in Uganda (Kampala) in July/August 2012, Benin (Cotonou) in July 2013, and India (Gujarat) in August 2013.