Berkeley Air provided consulting to the Clean Cooking Alliance in the development of their Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framwork, a tool that provides definitions and strategy for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the CCA’s various programs against the priorities and goals outlined in the Theory of Change, which focuses on universal access to clean cooking by 2030.
Berkeley Air is providing support to a collaborative agreement between the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and Colorado State University designed to advance learning and capacity building within the household energy sector. Activities include webinars, panel discussion, briefing documents, and collaboration on standards.
Berkeley Air developed a fit-for-purpose impact assessment tool for Global Good’s cookstove improvement project, summarizing existing implementation data and identifying appropriate inputs to model health benefits using the Household Air Pollution Intervention Tool (HAPIT).
The aim of this project was to a) investigate the black carbon output of two new cookstoves in a field setting in Cambodia during emissions testing conducted by Berkeley Air Monitoring Group and b) present the results of that testing alongside 17 archival cookstove data sets from several locations in Asia and Africa to contribute real-world black and organic carbon…
Berkeley Air partnered with colleagues from IIT Delhi, Colorado State University, and the Clean Cooking Alliance (then the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves) to conduct a field assessment of 19 different stove and fuel combinations using two new cookstove field assessments and 17 archived cookstove datasets from Cambodia, Vietnam, Uganda, Kenya, and India.
Berkeley Air conducted an assessment of the impacts of household energy programs on fuel consumption in Benin, Uganda, and India. The team utilized rapid, stove-based in-field LPG evaluation techniques using Kitchen Performance Test protocols and technical monitoring of CO emissions.
Berkeley Air conducted regional workshops and webinars to support stakeholders to assess health cobenefits of cookstove interventions.