Stove Use Monitors (SUMs)

Better understand how different stoves are used and patterns of stove adoption over time. Stove Use Monitoring helps stove developers, researchers, and program evaluators quantify the number of stove use events and the duration of those events. Collect actionable and objective data, allowing key stakeholders to assess and respond to household needs and preferences.

Our SUMs options include:

A sample photo of the iButton in-use and attached to a cookstove with thermal tape.


iButtons are coin-sized, low-cost, and commercially available temperature loggers that couple with the OneWire Viewer for instrument management. iButton data can then be analyzed in a number of ways, including integrated management and analysis from Geocene Studies.

iButton Types

There are several types of iButtons that can be used on stoves, each with a different operating temperature range and memory. The 8192 data point capacity of the DS1922L and DS1922T iButtons translates to logging temperature readings every ten minutes for 57 days, while the DS1921G iButton can log temperature data every ten minutes for 14 days.

Note: iButtons will fail and become unusable if the stove temperature exceeds the iButton’s operating temperature range. We can help you select the model that will work best for your application and price point.

iButton Model Range Accuracy Res Memory Logging Rate
DS1921G -40°C to +85°C ± 1°C: -30°C to +70°C
± 1.3°C outside this range
0.5°C 2048 1 to 255 min
DS1922L -40°C to +85°C ± 0.5°C: -10°C to +65°C 0.5°C – 8 bit /
0.0625°C – 11 bit
8192 – 8 bit /
4096 – 16 bit
1 sec to 273 hrs
DS1922T 0°C to +125°C ± 0.5°C: +20°C to +75°C 0.5°C – 8 bit /
0.0625°C – 11 bit
8192 – 8 bit /
4096 – 16 bit
1 sec to 273 hrs

For more detailed information on specifications of the iButtons see the DS1921G Data Sheet (445 kB) or the DS1922T and DS1922L Data Sheet (531 kB).

Parts and Accessories

A full SUMS “kit” consists of iButtons, a probe, USB adapter, PICA or OneWire software, insulator, and an instruction manual.

Probe Connects the iButton to the USB adapter. View Image
USB Adapter Connects the probe to a computer for instrument management. View Image
PICA or OneWire Software options for instrument management.
Insulator The high temperature silicone insulator can be used in conjunction with the high temperature tape, which adheres the iButton to the stove. Insulation can be modified depending on the maximum temperature of the stove, which should be determined before placing the instrument
Instruction manual An instrument management and placement guide.

The Wellzion Thermocouple in use during a training in HCCFE training event in Ethiopia.

Wellzion Thermocouple Loggers

Wellzion SSN-61 thermocouple loggers are low-cost highlighter-sized temperature data loggers with external thermocouple probes.

  • Allows for temperature measurement in excess of 400°C.
  • User-replaceable lithium batteries
  • Battery life of up to 2 years
  • Onboard memory to store 32,000 observations

Two Geocene SUMs attached to a cookstove.

Geocene SUMs

Geocene SUMs are weather-resistant, Bluetooth connected temperature loggers with external thermocouple probes. Geocene’s iPhone and Android apps allow for fast and easy data management and analysis.

  • Allowing for temperature measurement in excess of 400°C
  • User-replaceable AAA batteries
  • Battery life of up to 1 year
  • Memory to store years of observations