Berkeley Air conducted a rapid field test of an LPG intervention focused on households in per-urban Accra, Ghana. The team monitored ambient polllution, household air pollution, personal exposure to PM2.5, and stove usage through air pollution instrumentation and temperature-based sensing. Study results were used as inputs in the HAPIT modeling tool, to estimate health-focused impacts.
Berkeley Air was part of a consortium of partners exploring the effective promotion of ethanol-mathanol fuels for use in cooking in Western Africa. In-home field assessments were undertaken in an experimental sample of 30 households for up to 6 months. A combination of sensor-based stove-use measurements, canister refill monitoring, and household surveys were usedto measure uptake, use, and acceptability of…
The primary goal of this project was to evaluate the effects of four behavior change interventions in Kenya, Bangladesh, and Nigeria on the purchase of modern cookstoves and fuels as well as determinants of behaviors, such as knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and intentions. The interventions used behavior change communications (BCC) that aimed to accelerate clean cooking markets by increasing awareness and…
Berkeley Air is providing consulting to Portland State University on designing and implementing health-based evaluations of cookstoves as well as on measuring household air pollution and exposure for a pilot on water treatment kits and improved cookstoves.
Berkeley Air is part of a consortium for the Quality Assurance and Technical Support (QA/TS) pillar of the African Clean Cooking Energy Solutions (ACCES) initiative, which is being implemented by the Africa Energy Group (AFTEG) of the the World Bank. The consortium’s aim is to provide a solid technical foundation on clean cooking technologies that provide real benefits to health and climate.
Berkeley Air was part of a consortium for the Quality Assurance and Technical Support (QA/TS) pillar of the African Clean Cooking Energy Solutions (ACCES) initiative, which is being implemented by the Africa Energy Group (AFTEG) of the the World Bank. The consortium’s aim is to provide a solid technical foundation on clean cooking technologies that provide real benefits to health…
Berkeley Air and our field team implemented a baseline carbon study for Toyola Energy Limited’s charcoal coalpot stove. The study characterized fuel use patterns across Toyola’s customer base and measured fuel use to compare traditional and improved cooking technologies.
Berkeley Air conducted carbon monitoring for Katene Kadji, a stove manufacturer in Bamako, Mali. Katene Kadji is receiving carbon offsets from the sale of its improved charcoal stoves.
Berkeley Air Monitoring Group and the United States Environmental Protection Agency in association with Winrock International conducted Kitchen Performance Test (KPT) Workshops and field campaigns in Uganda (Kampala) in July/August 2012, Benin (Cotonou) in July 2013, and India (Gujarat) in August 2013.
Berkeley Air carried out a monitoring plan and delivered a technical assessment of how well cookstoves performed in homes for the World Bank Biomass Energy Initiative for Africa (BEIA).