Berkeley Air conducted a rapid field test of an LPG intervention focused on households in per-urban Accra, Ghana. The team monitored ambient polllution, household air pollution, personal exposure to PM2.5, and stove usage through air pollution instrumentation and temperature-based sensing. Study results were used as inputs in the HAPIT modeling tool, to estimate health-focused impacts.
Berkeley Air was part of a consortium of partners exploring the effective promotion of ethanol-mathanol fuels for use in cooking in Western Africa. In-home field assessments were undertaken in an experimental sample of 30 households for up to 6 months. A combination of sensor-based stove-use measurements, canister refill monitoring, and household surveys were usedto measure uptake, use, and acceptability of…
Berkeley Air is coordinating the air quality and stove usage monitoring effort for the study. The randomized controlled trial is assessing the health effects of LPG stove interventions in 3,200 households in Rwanda, Guatemala, India, and Peru. Overall, the study goal is to provide evidence regarding potential health benefits of reduced HAP exposure, and evidence, including costs and implementation strategies,…
Berkeley Air conducted an assessment of the impacts of household energy programs on fuel consumption in Benin, Uganda, and India. The team utilized rapid, stove-based in-field LPG evaluation techniques using Kitchen Performance Test protocols and technical monitoring of CO emissions.