Berkeley Air is conducting an impact evaluation study assessing changes to indoor air quality in low-income New York housing developments following the swap out of gas cooking appliances with electric appliances for a potential reduction in exposure to pollutants harmful to human health in the home.
Berkeley Air is providing expertise to an exposure assessment for pregnant and new mothers in informal settlements in Nairobia, Kenya, as part of an implementation science program funded by USAID. The ultimate study goal is to produce an activity- and location-based characterization of exposures to air pollution for mothers and children. We are partnered with Jacaranda Health and Population Services…
Berkeley Air is carrying out a research project entitled, “Effectiveness of improved cookstoves (ICS) in regular cooking in reducing the exposure to indoor air pollution compared to traditional stoves” in Bangladesh. We aim to assess the effectiveness of improved cooking technologies in reducing personal levels of exposure to indoor air pollution, which impacts the respiratory health of families. The project…
Berkeley Air is a part of a research initiative to quantify the benefits provided by switching from traditional cooking technologies to biogas stoves in rural Kenya. We will be focusing specifically on health and gender impacts by monitoring personal exposure to pollutants and characterizing how participants spend their time after this energy transition.
Berkeley Air provided consulting to the Clean Cooking Alliance in the development of their Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framwork, a tool that provides definitions and strategy for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the CCA’s various programs against the priorities and goals outlined in the Theory of Change, which focuses on universal access to clean cooking by 2030.
Berkeley Air is leading a long-term source apportionment investigation in the Coachella Valley region in Southern California, characterizing contributions of pollutants that have the potential to negatively affect marginalized populations in the area through monitoring and analysis of ambient air. We are partnered with the Public Health Institute and Comité Civico del Valle.
Berkeley Air is providing support to a collaborative agreement between the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and Colorado State University designed to advance learning and capacity building within the household energy sector. Activities include webinars, panel discussion, briefing documents, and collaboration on standards.
Berkeley Air is a part of a team with Oregon State University, the University of Colorado, Climate Solutions Consulting, and the Haitian Energy Institute to collaborate with the Clean Cooking Alliance to provide key data to support evidence-based decision making for the new market development initiative in Haiti. Primary objectives include: quantifying baseline and improved technology emissions; quantifying household fuel…
In this project Berkeley Air measured and explored gender impacts, namely time use and levels of perceived drudgery, in female cooks after the installation of an improved wood burning stove. Using a mixed method approach, data was collected using focus group discussions, and quantitative and qualitative surveys, in 75 HH located in two rural communities in eastern Zambia. Indicators measured…
The core focus of this project was to develop and assess modeling approaches to estimate personal exposure in Kenyan homes where household fuel combustion contributes substantially to household air pollution. The models to be developed, further refined, and validated for the project will be valuable tools for policy-makers and researchers. The single-zone model at the core of this proposal is…