Sharing the burden: Shifts in family time use, agency and gender dynamics after introduction of new cookstoves in rural Kenya

JournalEnergy Research & Social Science
AuthorJagoe, K., Rossanese, M., Charron, D., Rouse, J., Waweru, F., Waruguru, M., Delapena, S., Piedrahita, R., Livingston, K., & Ipe, J.
CitationJagoe, K., Rossanese, M., Charron, D., Rouse, J., Waweru, F., Waruguru, M., Delapena, S., Piedrahita, R., Livingston, K., & Ipe, J. (2020). Sharing the burden: Shifts in family time use, agency and gender dynamics after introduction of new cookstoves in rural Kenya. Energy Research & Social Science, 64, 101413.