Katie Kearns

Katie Kearns, Ph.D.

Research Scientist


About Katie — Katie Kearns, Ph.D. is a Research Scientist with Berkeley Air Monitoring Group. She has experience working on air quality and exposure assessment studies, particularly examining the impacts of cookstove interventions in low- and middle-income countries and disadvantaged populations in the U.S. In 2019, Katie lived in Guatemala for five months, where she facilitated a capacity building effort in the gravimetric laboratory at Universidad del Valle de Guatemala and assisted field staff in rural Jalapa in air quality monitoring and exposure assessment. She has led efforts to characterize exposures to harmful air pollutants experienced by adolescent girls in Guatemala, and women in Guatemala, Peru, and Rwanda. Katie is particularly interested in evaluating the impacts of interventions at the community level and fostering mutual education to better inform programs and policies that would improve community health. Katie earned her Ph.D. in Toxicology – Environmental Health Science and her B.S. in Environmental Health Science from the University of Georgia and she is fluent in Spanish.